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Room 2 - Rūma 2

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Pānui / Reading

Dr Seuss says "The more that you read, the more things that you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!"  In Room 2 we love to read and we love to go places when we read!  Our teacher models how to bring stories to life through intonation and expression when she reads us novels written by New Zealand authors.  We know we can read by ourselves, buddy read, read in a small group or out loud to the whole class. We can read for pleasure or read to learn.  We love reading!

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Pūtaiao / Science

Science Tuesday is eagerly anticipated each week. In Room 2 we love exploring how our world works, testing theories, observing chemical reactions, making predictions prior to carrying out experiments, questioning and hypothesising as we learn about planet Earth and beyond. Our science lessons are often integrated with Te reo Māori and Religious Education themes.


Our Culture / Tō Mātou Tuakiritanga 

God loves all the little children of the world and he loves them all equally. We follow God's example in Room 2 and show respect for everyone, treating each other equally. We all have different strengths and weaknesses but we are all fashioned in the image of God as we are all God's children. Therefore, in Room 2 we celebrate all the cultures of our students. We learn to greet each other in our own language, we learn about our similarities and differences and we take pride in who we are and where we come from.

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Sports & Exercise / Hākinakina 

Encouraging  children to stay fit and take part in a variety of sports is very important to us at St Bernard's School. Students regularly go outside for fitness activities, including training for cross country races. We also take brain breaks in class where we dance and do aerobic activities.  External providers come into school to run football, rugby and cricket lessons.  We love going to the ASB Centre for sports activities and the Kilbirnie Pools for swimming.


Class Dojo

In Room 2 we use ClassDojo to share our learning with our whānau. Students can post videos and photos of their work for their parents to see. Our teacher also posts messages, reminders and updates on ClassDojo to help keep parents informed of what is happening.


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04-389 9377


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Wellington 6021,
New Zealand

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